We have decided to go to the pool every Sunday, it will keep me on track that is for sure, because I really hate going to the pool!
On a completely different topic, Has anyone out there ever developed and "allergy" to red wine? everytime I drink it these days I get a headache, now I know what you are thinking, don't drink so much but really, it's not like that...I can have a glass or a bottle and I feel the same (okay, ,that is kind of a lie but I think you get the jist), I get a terrible headache, it is a real bummer since I really like to drink red wine!
- Type: Swim
- Date: 02/22/2009
- Time: 16:49:11
- Total Time: 00:35:00.00
- Calories: 274
- Distance: 900 yd
- Average Pace: 3:52.44/100yd
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